Smiles Gallery
The MiCD movement is being adopted by clinicians the world over by successfully integrating Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry in their practice. Minimally invasive techniques and principles have revolutionised the approach to cosmetic dentistry which is traditionally known to be more invasive. The MiCD concept promotes the conservation of sound tooth structure while achieving predictable smile aesthetics and imparting a positive psychological impact on the patient.
Minimally Invasive
Cosmetic Dentistry
About Dr. Daniel Rosa

Dr. Daniel Rosa graduated in Dentistry from the Federal University of Brasília" – UnB and completed his Speciality in Restorative Dentistry at the ARIA Institute and obtained his Professorship at Instituto ARIA in Restorative Dentistry and Dental Photography. Dr. Rosa is currently an assistant professor of the Restorative Dentistry Specialization Course, which is coordinated by the well-known Professor Maurício Watanabe, in Brazil and a dental officer at the CBMDF Fire Department and runs his own private practice since 2003.
Dr. Rosa has more than 25 years of clinical experience and is well known for his ability to recreate natural aesthetics with life-like restorations and capture the beauty through his passion for dental photography.
Lecture Title: "3-Pronged Approach to Material Selection"
Dental restorative materials are required to fulfil basic prerequisites including similarity to tooth structures in their mechanical, physical, and aesthetic properties. However recent developments in material science and availability of newer restorative options has often left clinicians on cross roads when identifying the ideal material for the most suitable treatment approach that helps meets their patients’ aesthetic needs and expectations. Understanding direct restorative materials, their clinical applications and limitations play a vital role in the final treatment outcomes and longevity of the restorations placed.
The introduction of injectable composites has played an important role in restorative dentistry and revolutionized the capabilities of direct composites by providing a high level of aesthetics and reliability, . This presentation will help enhance the participants knowledge and understanding on the importance of material selection by introducing the 3-pronged approach, where the clinical applications of the restorative material are evaluated using three perspectives: aesthetic characteristics, mechanical properties and bioactivity.
Key Learning Points
Better understanding on the role of material selection in long term restorative success with direct composites
Why Bioactive restoratives should be considered as the material of choice
Tips and Tricks to identifying the right material based on the type of restoration