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MiCD Symposium 2023
Lecture Synopsis


The concept of “First, Do No Harm” is attributed to the Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. Fast forward to the 20th century and with the development of modern dentistry we find ourselves as dentist being able to transform smiles for patients without any aggressive teeth preparation. 


In this presentation Dr. Ronnie will give a brief history of the concept of minimally invasive dentistry and his experience of how the philosophy naturally evolved into the field of Cosmetic dentistry. He will share an update of how this concept was introduced as the MiCD Concept and philosophy through the MiCD Global Network . In addition he will provide details of the updated MiCD framework and treatment protocols that can be easily integrated into daily clinical practice.


Key Learning Points

  • Development of MiCD concept

  • Relevance of MiCD in clinical practice

  • MiCD Framework and treatment protocols


Influenced by Minimally Invasive Dentistry in the mid to late 2000’s , MiCD or Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry concept and treatment protocols were developed with the aim of providing patient-centric treatment options while preserving sound tooth structure. With the dedication of MiCD advocates and support from SHOFU Dental Asia-Pacific as the official partner,  the MiCD movement was launched in 2009 and introduced to the Philippines in 2010.


Over the years, as clinical applications of direct restorations evolved due to advances in composite resin technology, clinicians had the opportunity to adopt MiCD more effectively  and achieve highly aesthetic restorations with predictable outcomes. Today, MiCD has been adopted by clinicians from around the world and the movement continues to grow through numerous programs and activities. As a pioneer advocate of MiCD since its inception Dr. Sonny  will take you on a journey on how he successfully  adopted MiCD in his clinical practice and played a key role driving the MiCD Movement in the Philippines with like- minded MiCD advocates to positively influence the dental fraternity to adopt the trend of enhancing smiles while preserving health with the best interest of the Patient.


Key Learning Points

  • Why adopt MiCD Concept and the treatment philosophy

  • How to integrate MiCD in daily clinical practice

  • Become an MiCD advocate / mentor and give back to the dental community


With the growing demand for having flawless smiles, achieving life like optimal aesthetics in the anterior zone is no longer an option but a necessity for any modern clinical practice. The new age bio-smart composite resins have narrowed down the gap between the direct & indirect restorations when it comes to aesthetic finesse &  longevity of the treatment outcome. Composite resins empower the clinician to manage complex aesthetic  situations using a minimally invasive approach that offer more control when establishing aesthetic and functional harmony.

The most important criteria to achieve a perfect blend in anterior restorations is the ability of the clinician to look through the layers of the natural tooth & create a custom shade recipe for restorative layering. This presentation will cover a range of topics especially various shade selection techniques, colour play and layering methodologies to achieve predictable aesthetics. It will emphasize on simplifying the protocols for achieving perfect shade blends & aesthetic outcomes with minimum inventory & maximum predictability. In addition will also throw light on methods to establish macro & micro anatomy, developing textures & characterizations and finishing & polishing protocols to achieve harmonious & flawless final aesthetic result.


Key Learning Points

  • Understanding to look through the tooth to create the custom layering recipe based on BIOlogical layering protocols.

  • Tips and tricks to achieving the perfect shade blends & aesthetic outcomes with minimum inventory & maximum predictability.

  • Introduction to a simplified technique ‘Inject n Pack’ for predictable space closures like Diastemas & Black Triangles.

  • To understand predictable finishing & polishing protocols to achieve harmonious & flawless final aesthetic outcomes. 


When restoring lost tooth structure, the dentist should first identify the PURPOSE: to simulate natural dentition and understand the intricate balance between the mechanics, biology and dental form which took nature thousands of years to create. As dentistry evolves we continue to search for suitable materials and explore new techniques to replicate natural aesthetics and function with better prognosis in the long term.


As the quest for identifying the perfect solution continues, we remain in the process of UNDERSTANDING the finer details of this complex dental structure with insufficient arsenal to fully restore the lost tissue. Therefore, studying restorative materials and having an in-depth knowledge on ORAL BIOLOGY, THE MECHANICS OF SMILES and THE OPTIC OF DENTAL STRUCTURES have become essential and extremely necessary.


The evolution of direct composite resins as an aesthetic restorative material has made it a great ally to restoring teeth with a minimally invasive approach, balancing the occlusion and subtly modifying the dental form, without compromising oral health.

In this presentation, we will review and understand some fundamental concepts for maximizing the use of Direct Composite Resin, as a tool for restoring smiles with predictable aesthetic outcomes that meet patient expectations. A variety of clinical cases  will be shared highlighting the importance of achieving occlusal stability with structural reconstitution of the dental edges while maintaining gingival health, when using bioactive materials with a  minimally invasive treatment approach.


Key Learning Points

  • Optimizing the aesthetic outcomes with simplified layering techniques

  • Understand the importance of bioactivity in aesthetic dentistry 

  • Identifying a predictable and efficient polishing protocol to simulate enamel lustre


Direct composites have become an essential part of a modern dental practice as it allows the dentists to provide the best possible care with natural life-like restorations that can enhance their patients smile and improve oral health. Understanding the material capabilities, shade matching, using the right techniques and tools help most dentist achieve the desired aesthetics and function when restoring teeth with predictable outcomes.


This presentation will focus on showcasing a variety of clinical cases where bioactive composites have been used in the anterior aesthetic zone with different restorative techniques to increase efficiency and provide tips and tricks to preventing restorative failure in the posterior teeth.


Key Learning Points

  • Importance of material selection for direct restorations

  • Achieving desired aesthetics with layering or injection technique in anterior teeth

  • Management of the deep carious lesion with direct composite in posterior teeth


Dental restorative materials are required to fulfil basic prerequisites including similarity to tooth structures in their mechanical, physical, and aesthetic properties. However recent developments in material science  and availability of newer restorative options has often left clinicians on cross roads when identifying the ideal material for the most suitable treatment approach that helps meets their patients’ aesthetic needs and expectations. Understanding direct restorative materials, their clinical applications and limitations play a vital role in the final treatment outcomes and longevity of the restorations placed.


The introduction of injectable composites has played an important role in restorative dentistry and revolutionized the capabilities of direct composites by providing a high level of aesthetics and reliability. This presentation will help enhance the participants knowledge and understanding on the importance of material selection by introducing the 3-pronged approach, where the clinical applications of the  restorative material are evaluated using three perspectives: aesthetic characteristics, mechanical properties and bioactivity.


Key Learning Points

  • Better understanding on the role of material selection in long term restorative success with direct composites

  • Why Bioactive restoratives should be considered as the material of choice

  • Tips and Tricks to identifying the right material based on the type of restoration


Management of multiple restorations in the same quadrant is challenging due to the variation in the type and extent of defects, it also offers the opportunity for a more time-efficient, holistic approach to patient care, instead of placing multiple, adhoc restorations, one appointment at a time.


With time and cost benefits to both the dental team and patient, such a restorative protocol saves chair time and increases productivity, while adopting a minimally invasive approach to providing invisible restorations for the entire quadrant.


Embark on the restorative journey with Dr. Anand as he shares tips and tricks to creating invisible restorations by understanding natural tooth colour, principles of shade matching and simplified techniques using bioactive composites.  This presentation will showcase a variety of clinical scenarios where Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry (MiCD) treatment protocols have been adopted to create highly aesthetic, functional and invisible restorations that blend seamlessly with natural teeth  


Key Learning Points

  • Quadrant Makeover using MiCD  principles and biological layering technique for direct restorations

  • Treatment Strategy for Multifactorial defects in mandibular lower centrals.

  • Safeguarding against  restorative failure and ensuring longevity of direct composites

  • Adopting a predictable finishing and polishing system for long term success

Panel Discussion MiCD – Triple P’s to Success
Time: 4:00pm to 5:15pm
Speakers of 
Dr. Kim Fajardo, Dr. Ronnie Yap, Dr. Sonia Lee, Dr. Tran Khanh

and Moderator of Dr. Cez Acero-Taping



Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry, or MICD, was introduced in 2009 and  the movement has grown exponentially, with dental professionals from all over the world adopting this innovative treatment philosophy in routine clinical practice.


The panel discussion will feature a hand-picked group of MICD clinicians and advocates, who will share their valuable insights and experiences on integrating the core guiding principles of MICD in clinical practice. They will showcase how MICD has transformed their treatment planning process, enabling them to provide holistic patient-centered care with predictable outcomes that is both practical and profitable, while preserving sound tooth structure.


The session will delve into how MICD can be successfully incorporated into everyday dentistry by focusing on three key elements: purpose, passion, and productivity. These essential components add immense value to both patients and the dental practice, while maintaining sustainable, profitable growth.


The panel discussion promises to be a game-changer, providing invaluable insights into how MICD can be integrated  seamlessly into your daily practice.​

Preserving Health
Enhancing Smiles

Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry (MiCD) is a holistic patient-centric

treatment approach ...

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