Smiles Gallery
The MiCD movement is being adopted by clinicians the world over by successfully integrating Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry in their practice. Minimally invasive techniques and principles have revolutionised the approach to cosmetic dentistry which is traditionally known to be more invasive. The MiCD concept promotes the conservation of sound tooth structure while achieving predictable smile aesthetics and imparting a positive psychological impact on the patient.
Minimally Invasive
Cosmetic Dentistry
Clinical Techniques

Aesthetic Restoration of Severely Crowded Anteriors

Clinical examination
55 years old female patient visited the dental office with a chief complaint of pain in the upper front tooth. Clinical examination and IOPA radiograph revealed badly decayed tooth 11 with multiple class 3 cavities on tooth #12, 21. This complex case was managed based on a phased treatment approach in 3 stages.
Treatment plan
Appointment 1 (Blue Rubber dam) – Removal of decay on the distal surface of tooth #11 was done followed by root canal treatment. Due to the extent of the caries lesion the mesial class 3 cavity was left untouched to avoid fracture of the crown during the course of the treatment. Removal of decay from tooth #12 was done both misally and distally.
Appointment 2 (Black Rubber dam) – Fiber post was bonded using Para core followed by restoration of tooth #11 distal surface and mesial surface of tooth # 12 using a Bioclear matrix.
Appointment 3 (Military green rubber dam) – Remaining Class 3 restorations on tooth #11 and #21 were completed with final finishing and polishing of restorative surfaces to achieve the natural aesthetics and enamel luster.