Smiles Gallery
The MiCD movement is being adopted by clinicians the world over by successfully integrating Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry in their practice. Minimally invasive techniques and principles have revolutionised the approach to cosmetic dentistry which is traditionally known to be more invasive. The MiCD concept promotes the conservation of sound tooth structure while achieving predictable smile aesthetics and imparting a positive psychological impact on the patient.
Minimally Invasive
Cosmetic Dentistry
About Prof. Ginger Mello

Dr. Kim, is a graduate of the University of the East College of Dentistry back in 2009 and was a former instructor in the same University. He was also a visiting scholar for Implant Dentistry and Prosthodontics at the Seoul National University – Bundang Hospital in 2013.
Dr. Kim attended various postgraduate training courses in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry from New York University and the University of Southern California.
He is a certified clinical trainer and global advocate for MiCD (Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry), Key Opinion Leader for SHOFU DENTAL ASIA-PACIFIC, a Senior Managing Partner of the PIPE Dental Group and an Active Regular Member and an Officer of The Philippine Prosthodontic Society.
Dr. Kim maintains a busy Aesthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry practice at his Dental Center by Dr. Kim Fajardo with two locations in the beautiful city of Tagaytay – Ayala Malls Serin and Fora Mall Tagaytay.